International Federation for Alternative Trade — Die International Fair Trade Association, abgekürzt IFAT (ehemals International Federation for Alternative Trade dt. Internationale Föderation für alternativen Handel), ist ein globales Netzwerk von Organisationen des Fairen Handels. IFAT wächst… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alternative fashion — Alternative FashionAlternative fashion is fashion that stands apart from the mainstream commercial fashion. In some cases it may be the fashion of a subculture (ex: goth, hip hop, industrial, cyberpunk, etc.) or simply influenced by a subculture … Wikipedia
Alternative trading organization — An alternative trading organization (ATO) is usually a non governmental organization (NGO) or mission driven business aligned with the Fair trade movement, aiming to contribute to the alleviation of poverty in developing regions of the world by… … Wikipedia
Trade credit — exists when one firm provides goods or services to a customer with an agreement to bill them later, or receive a shipment or service from a supplier under an agreement to pay them later. It can be viewed as an essential element of capitalization… … Wikipedia
Alternative comedy — is a style of comedy that originated in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s and 1980s [ [ 45piehole.html The Brooklyn Paper: SERIOUS FUN ] ] which would eventually go on to become mainstream in the… … Wikipedia
Trade Credit Insurance — or Credit Insurance is an insurance policy and a risk management product offered by private insurance companies and governmental Export Credit Agencies to business entities wishing to protect their balance sheet asset, accounts receivable, from… … Wikipedia
Alternative cancer treatments — describes alternative and complementary treatments for cancer which have not been approved by a governing body (for instance, the United States Food and Drug Administration) as being effective. These treatments are generally not supported by… … Wikipedia
Alternative Hip-Hop — ist ein Subgenre des Hip Hop. Es zeichnet sich durch soziokulturell engagierte Lyrics und Musik aus sowie durch sparsame Beats, die oft wenige oder für Hip Hop ungewöhnliche Instrumente samplen (siehe auch Jazz Rap), oft verstärkt durch Live… … Deutsch Wikipedia
trade-off study — noun (aeronautics, space technol) A logical evaluation, during the preliminary design process, of the pros and cons of alternative approaches and/or parameters which leads to the choice of the preferred ones • • • Main Entry: ↑trade … Useful english dictionary
Trade-off — A trade off (or tradeoff) is a situation that involves losing one quality or aspect of something in return for gaining another quality or aspect. It implies a decision to be made with full comprehension of both the upside and downside of a… … Wikipedia
Alternative press (U.S. political left) — Under the broad heading of the alternative press are several subcategories including periodicals published by groups, movements, or individuals affiliated with the U.S. political left. As the word press implies, these are printed publications, as … Wikipedia